Minda's Cooking

Brownie Mix Cookies

This recipe is so simple I was afraid I might insult y’all by even putting it up here. But the season for cookies is upon us, and I thought you might enjoy this quick trick for baking up some semi-homemade cookies.

I stumbled upon this idea a few years ago when I was preparing a tray of goodies for my husband’s office. I felt like I needed one more thing to round out my goodies. I looked through the cabinet and found a box of store brand brownie mix. On the side, it offered a suggestion to add a half cup of flour to your mix and making cookie dough. I took their suggestion, added some white chocolate chips and by golly, those were some tasty cookies! In fact, they were the first things to go on the tray.

Brownie Mix Cookies

1 box of brownie mix of your choice

Ingredients required by brownie mix: usually oil, water and eggs

1/2 cup all purpose flour

10 oz bag of chocolate chips of choice


Preheat oven to 350. Mix brownie mix as directed adding in the flour. When batter is mixed, add in chips. The batter will be a little wetter than normal and that’s ok. Using a small scoop, scoop dough onto a prepared cookie sheet. I like to use parchment paper for easy cleanup. Bake for 7 to 9 minutes depending on your oven temperature. Let the cookies cool for 2 minutes on the pan then move to a wire rack. This makes about 2 dozen cookies.

You can also make cookie bars with this dough! They taste like a cross between a brownie and cookie. Just press your dough into a 13×9 and bake for 22 to 25 minutes depending on oven (preheated at 350 just like your cookies).

Super simple and tasty. You can pretend you baked all day!

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